
Blackberry Sage Simple Syrup


1 cup water

1 cup cane sugar

1 cup blackberries

1/4 cup fresh sage leaves


1. Place water and sage in a pot and heat on medium high heat.

2. Once water is boiling, turn off the heat, add sugar and stir until sugar disolves.

3. Then, immedietly add blackberrys and muddle berries in your pot.

4. Let mixture steep for 30-60 minutes stiring occationally, then strain through fine mesh strainer into a jar to cool and use.

Store in refrigerator. Lasts up to 2 weeks.

Note: You may need to clear out the strainer of seeds periodically. To limit this you can double strain, first through a wide mesh strainer, then fine mesh strainer.

Alternative Ingredients

This syrup is meant to impart sweep, berry, and herbal notes. So, other berry and/or herbal based syrups or sweet liquores will add similar notes, while creating something new. See below for ideas:

Try This In:

This is some text inside of a div block.

2 pt mezcal

1.5 pt fresh lime juice

1 pt blackberry-sage simple syrup

Orange bitters

Make It

Sage on the Stage

A Blackberry Mezcal Margarita